The Definite Way To Kick Any Bad Habit
So, we're four months away from the end of 2018 and I have one question for all of you; how are your New Year's Resolutions going?
If you're anything like me and (stupidly) committed to 10+ goals, you've only met about 2 if any.
The majority of the goals that I've met are one-time tasks like read The Bean Trees or try out a new cycling class.
BUT, the ones that have been really hard to check-off are the habit changes. Not even adding habits that will better my life like working out daily etc. But kicking the ones that are harming me.
One of my worst habits that I've been trying to break for months is going to bed late.
Now over the summer when school wasn't in session anymore this wasn't that big of an issue; go to bed late, wake up late, who cares.
But now that I have to be up at some ungodly hour when it's still dark outside... the whole sleep thing is becoming more of an issue.
Over the past 2 weeks of school, I've finally figured out a way to kick going to bed late (and any other bad habit) to the curb with these XXXX steps.
1) Identify The Habit
This step seems pretty obvious, but it's important to really specify what exactly you want to change. For example, if I said I just want more sleep, it's harder to make significant changes with something so vague. Instead, I identified that I can't change the time I wake up, so I've got to change the time I go to bed if I want more sleep.
2) Write Down Why You Want To Kick The Habit
Again, seems like a pretty simple step, but in actuality this is one of the most important. Try to base this on a specific experience or goal, instead of a vague idea of what you want. For example, I want more sleep because without it, my mental health tends to go down the drain. So when I have to choose between another episode of Brooklyn 99 or going to bed, I think of how awful it is to be in a bad place mentally and turn off my computer.
3) Do The Thing. Now.
Your brain is really working against you in terms of working towards kicking bad habits. Probably because your ancestors didn't have to worry about heart disease and 401k's. In order to achieve the goal that you set for yourself, you must find ways to trick your monkey brain into cooperating. I've found that making the decision today to move you toward your goal has been the most helpful. Shut down the laptop an hour before you go to bed. Start today. Act as if future you is incredibly stupid and won't live up to the expectations that you place on them, which they probably won't (if you let them).
Use these 3 tips to make your best self yet!